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Peas in the Pod  Daycare Parent Handbook

About the Owner: 

Hello and welcome to Peas in the Pod Daycare! I opened my licensed In-Home multi-age daycare in 2021 and feel so privileged to get to teach and care for your children. I always knew that working with children and owning a daycare was a dream of mine. I completed my schooling at Sprott Shaw College and graduated with my Early Childhood Educator certificate in 2020. After working in many different daycare settings, I decided to open my own. I believe that in home childcare allows for the children to feel at “Home” while still being able to grow, learn, and socialize with peers.      

My Philosophy: 

 The vision for Peas in the Pod Daycare is to be committed to helping the children and families enrolled in our program. We strive for the children to be independent thinkers who explore the world with confidence and curiosity through a play-based learning environment. I believe the environment plays an integral role in how the child will interact and feel while at daycare. Our environments offer a cozy feeling of "a home away from home." I believe that it is important to nurture every child’s development and growth as an individual, while providing support to the families. Our objective is to allow children to develop their knowledge, gross and fine motor skills, as well as a natural sense of curiosity.


Arriving at Daycare:

Leaving your child can be very difficult for both of you. A few tips for a successful drop-off involve making it quick and sticking to a routine. 

Please ensure that children come ready for the day and dressed in “play” clothes. I try my best to be careful during art and while playing outside, but I also the allow children to express themselves and feel free in their play. Each child will also need outdoor clothing appropriate for our different weather conditions. 

Items needed from home:

  • Sleep toy (If needed for comforting)

  • Spare clothing-underwear, socks, pants, shirt, etc.  

  • Waterproof jacket 

  • Gloves/Mittens/toque (winter)

  • Sunscreen, hat (Summer)

  • Diapers (You will receive a notice when your child is running low on diapers.)

  • If you have forgotten diapers and we no longer have any provided by you, I charge $5 for every diaper I have to supply.

  • If children do not come dressed in appropriate clothing for the weather or day you may be asked to take them home. They can return when they are dressed and ready for the day.

Guidance and Discipline:

It is very important to try and provide the proper guidance for each child as an individual. I work to help each child build the necessary skills to communicate their needs. I offer simple explanations for the limits and rules within the daycare. Modeling a positive attitude and reinforcing appropriate behaviour is essential in the program. I believe in offering choices and recognizing each child’s feelings. Respect is a very important tool, and I strive for each child to respect themselves, others, and their surroundings. All of our rules focus on the guidelines of respect, responsibility, and safety. These guidelines will be reminded in a positive manner. (i.e. Walking feet inside, gentle hands.) I feel it is important to remind “what is expected” rather than what is “not expected.”

Every child has a different personality, and needs. It may be necessary to offer choices instead of stating what is expected of the child. Therefore, allowing the child to make the healthy choice. It is also important to acknowledge the child’s feelings before setting limits. Children are encouraged to problem solve and are taught conflict resolution through discussing their feelings and acknowledging their peer’s reactions. When dealing with a situation I get down at the child’s level and focus their attention. I feel it is important to encourage the children to express their feelings and ideas for problem solving and have them work together to come up with solutions. I try to ask open-ended questions encouraging the child to become the problem solver. 

“Time away or the quiet corner” will only be used if a persistent behaviour occurs; or the child is endangering the safety of themselves or the children around them. This would require the child to be removed from the situation, until he/she is able to calm their body and is then ready to follow the guidelines and participate appropriately. A care plan may be put into place if the frequent behaviour is disrupting the class. 

Should the behaviour persist and all local resources have been exhausted, I will request a meeting with parents and staff to review the situation. As a last resort and if required for the safety of the children and staff at Peas in the Pod Daycare, the child may be removed from our program. 

*Under no circumstances will any child be humiliated, neglected, isolated, physically punished or spoken to in any inappropriate or demeaning manner. *

Daily Routine (Approx. Time):

Children thrive off routine; therefore, I try to keep our daily activities on a schedule. Please try and have children to daycare by 9:00am to benefit the most from the day. 

7:30-9:00- Drop off/ Free Play 

9:00-9:30- Art

9:30-10:00-Circle Time

10:00-10:15 – Morning Snack 

10:30-11:30- Outside Time 

12:00- Lunch Time 

12:30-2:30- Nap/ Quiet Time

2:30-3:00- Table Activities 

3:15- Afternoon Snack 

3:30-5:00- Free Play/ Pick Up

Lunch Time:

Parents will be responsible to provide Morning Snack, Lunch and Afternoon Snack. Remember it's always best to pack extra then not enough. If you need help thinking of ideas for daycare lunch please reach out to me and together we can come up with some meal planning ideas.

Hygiene and Health Promotion: 

For hand washing,  hand soap and one time use hand towels will be used. Children and staff will wash their hands before and after food prep/ eating, before and after diapering, toileting, nose wiping/sneezing and outside play. Hand washing and toileting will be supervised. 

All hand towels, washcloths, and dishtowels will be laundered daily. Tables and counter tops will be cleaned after each use with appropriate precept solution. Toileting areas will be sanitized daily, and floors will be vacuumed. Shelving and toys will be sanitized with an appropriate bleach/water solution weekly, or as needed. All dishes will be washed in a dishwasher or by use of the four-step method. (Wash, rinse, sanitize, air dry.) Plastic toys will be washed on a rotating schedule using the same methods and stuffed toys or dress up will be laundered on a schedule. Each child will have their own sleep mats which will be sanitized weekly or as needed. Bedding will be washed every Friday or as needed. All cleaning supplies, knives, plastic bags, and other potentially dangerous products are stored in latched cupboards. 

Nap time:

Children have a 2-hour rest/nap time. They are supplied a mat, which is cleaned after every use and labeled. We also supply the bedding and wash them once a week. If your child has a special blanket or stuffed animal needed for comforting, please bring that along. 


Screen Time:

If your child is at the age where they no longer nap, we have a 30-minute limit screen time policy. We use the T.V for 30 minutes a day during nap time and the rest of the time will be spent doing quiet activities such as colouring, playdough, beading etc. If your child is under 2 years old, they will not have any screen time. 

Active Play:

Outdoor and active play is integral to healthy growth and development. Active play, which consists of physical activity with moderate to vigorous bursts of high energy supports body control, develops spatial awareness, improves balance and coordination as well as concentration and learning skills. Children also, experience physical and mental health benefits from daily fresh air. In accordance to licensing children will be required to have a minimum of 1-hour active play time outside, or if the weather is too extreme for outdoor play children will be lead in movement activities by the teacher. Some activities include: 

  • Music and movement circle time

  • Dance Parties

  • Gross motor circle time activities

  • Obstacle courses

  • Free-play activities that encourage gross motor movement

  • Yoga

Health and Well Being:

The health and well being of your child is the number one concern, but children do become ill. Therefore, it is important to take preventative steps:

  • Handwashing

  • Healthy nutritious food

  • Teaching personal hygiene habits 

  • Keeping a clean environment 

If your child has become ill, I require that your child stay away from the center for a minimum of 24 hours. If your child is prescribed antibiotics, your child must stay home for a minimum of 24 hours. The following symptoms of illness that would exclude your child from attending childcare are:

  • Nausea

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

  • Difficulty breathing or swallowing 

  • Fever of 38.3 degrees Celsius

  • Sore throat 

  • Infected skin or eyes 

  • Undiagnosed rash 

  • Severe itching of body or scalp 

  • Any known suspected communicable disease 

If you are not able to pick up your child, alternate arrangements must be available. If alternate arrangements cannot be made in a suitable amount of time it will result in a suspension of 1 day. Please inform us if your child has any allergies or any other medical concerns. Every child must be well enough to participate in the daily routine. 

Reporting Abuse 

Anyone who has a reason to believe that a child has been or is likely to be physically harmed, sexually abused or sexually exploited, neglected or needs protection is legally responsible to report the matter to a child protection social worker. Any suspicion of abuse will be reported to a child protection social worker. It is our legal duty to report any of these situations. 

The law defines these things as follows: 

“Sexual Abuse” means any sexual touching or intercourse between and child and an older person or using a child for sexual purposes. “Physical Abuse” Means any physical force or action by a parent or adult which could injure a child, and which exceeds ‘reasonable discipline. “Emotional Abuse” Is a pattern of destructive behaviour or verbal attacks by an adult or child. It can include rejecting, terrorizing, ignoring, isolating, exploiting, or corrupting a child. “Neglect” means failing to look after the physical, emotional, or medical needs of a child, so that the child’s health, development, or safety is endangered.

Reportable Incidences:

Any incident that falls under the list of reportable incidents from Fraser health childcare licensing regulation, including disease outbreak, a serious fall or injury, missing person, etc. will be reported. The incident will be well documented, signed, and dated, then reported to the Fraser Health licensing board, and all the parents involved will be notified immediately.

Non-Reportable Incidences: 

Any incidents which fall under the non-reportable incidents, such as minor accidents and illnesses, will be documented, signed, and dated in our incident log. Parents/ Guardians will be immediately notified if any of these incidents occur and children will be sent home with an Ouch Note.


All medications are stored in a labelled container in the refrigerator. Children are not given any medication without the parents' written consent. Written consent may only be on a “Permission to administer Medications'' forms and all medications must be in their original bottles with original labels. With any prescription medication children may not return to care until they’ve had a full 24 hours after dosage, are no longer contagious and are ready to participate in the full day. 


All allergies (and dietary concerns) will be clearly posted on both the refrigerator and written on the child’s emergency info/consent cards. Please inform us of any allergies or concerns. 

First Aid and CPR:

I have a current childcare first aid certificate. A complete first aid kit is always available, including while outdoors on our walks. The children’s emergency info/consent cards are always kept in the first aid kit. In the event a child needs emergency medical attention an ambulance will be called, and then the parents. This is to allow them to meet the child at the hospital as soon as possible. Any serious incidents will be reported by filing a serious incident report immediately. 



  • Fees are due by the 1st of each month.

  • Fees may be paid in cash cheque or E-transfer

  • Any fees received later than the 1st day of the month are subjected to a $5 a day late charge. 

  • Returned cheques may result in a cash only payment policy for future services.

  • Full fees are due regardless of child’s illness or holidays. 

  • A receipt for fees paid will be provided at the end of each year for tax purposes. 

  • Fees are subject to increase with three months notice. 

  • Parents/ Guardians that use government subsidy to help pay fees are responsible for any cost subsidy will not cover and for renewing their authorization before it expires. If parents/ guardians do not renew their subsidy claim before the previous claim expires the parents/guardians will be responsible for full fees until authorization is received. If I receive back payment from the ministry (for fees already paid for by the parents), I will reimburse that amount.  

  • Please E-transfer to:

Repayment Agreement: 

One month written notice is required in case the parent/legal guardian chooses to terminate the child-care for any reason. The parent/legal guardian will be responsible for all final payments through the end of the notice period regardless of whether the child is attending the facility.

Daycare Closures:

  • Closed every statutory holiday.

  • Closed for 2 weeks in Winter.

  • Closed on public school closures due to weather.

  • When a Stat Holiday falls on a Tuesday or Thursday we may close for accompanying Mon/Fri. Notice will be given for every closure.

  • Closed for 2 weeks in Summer. (Last week of July, first week of August.)


Parent Communication:

If you need to contact me during the daycare hours, please feel free to phone or text. If you get my voicemail, please leave a message.

 Cell: 604-378-2200

If you call outside of daycare hours, please leave a detailed message. I don’t typically return calls until the next daycare day unless there was an emergency. I provide an open-door policy. Please feel free to stop by and visit the centre and see what activities your child is engaging in. I also provide a daily routine schedule, so that the parent/guardian can know what their child is doing through out the day. 

Pick up:

Children will only be released to their parents/guardians or authorized person for pick-up. All persons authorized for pickup must be at least 16 years old. Identification will be required for persons picking up that I have not met before, for safety and security reasons. Please make sure to have a valid ID each time at pickup just in case a new teacher is present. In the event that an unauthorized person arrives to pick up the child, the child will not be released, and the parent will be notified immediately. 

If parents/guardians arrive for pick up and appear to be under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or appear incapable of providing safe care for the child. I will make every effort to find alternate transportation for the child. If parents/guardians refuse alternate transportation, and plan on leaving with the child the appropriate authorities will be contacted. 

The daycare closes at 5pm. If arriving any later, you will be charged a fee of $1/ minute. You can pay cash upon arriving to pick up your child or it can be added onto your monthly bill. 

Withdrawal or termination of care:

A minimum of 1 month and written notice is required for termination of care. The month must be given on the 1st of the month. In the event that parents/guardians don’t not give full termination notice they are responsible for paying the following months fees. Any fees not paid on time with regards to termination of childcare services will also be subject to daily late fees, until full payment is received. This is a non-negotiable policy.

In the event of any concerns (by staff, parents/guardians, or child) a meeting can be scheduled to address any issues. The concerns will be clearly stated and discussed. A care plan will be designed, and a second meeting may be scheduled to review the situation. In the event the issue cannot be resolved to everyone’s satisfaction, a 1 month written notice of termination of care services will be given. 

Safety Drills 

Fire and earthquake drills are held monthly, and the children are taught what to do in each situation. 

       In the event of a fire:

  • At the signal of the smoke detector all children and staff will stop what they’re doing and leave the centre by the closest, safest exit. 

  • Out the closest exit and to the driveway. 

  • Children physically incapable of walking out will be carried by staff.

  • Children and staff will meet out at the farthest end of the driveway and a head count will be done. 

  • 911 will then be called and any medical treatment necessary will be administered, as well as notification to parents/guardians. 

In the event of an earthquake:

  • If OUTSIDE children will be instructed to get to the most open area (free from buildings, trees, etc.) 

  • If INSIDE children will be instructed to crawl beneath the closest tables, doorways, and to crouch with their heads down, and hands covering their heads. 

  • Children will be instructed to remain in these positions until the shaking stops. 

  • When the shaking stops all children and staff will group and any medical treatment necessary will be administered. 

  • Staff and children will remain in the centre if possible until parents/guardians can pick up.

  • The centre will have enough supplies on hand and in the earthquake kit to comfortably sustain ourselves for 72 hours. 

  • *Specific Emergency Escape Route Plans are posted in the centre with floor plans that detail which exits to use. 

Emergency preparedness strategies:

Earthquake and fire drills are practiced monthly. Along with our practice drills, having an emergency kit for each child is important. This can include: the child’s changes of clothes, a blanket, a comfort toy, and a picture of their family.

© 2021 Peas in the Pod Daycare

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